Tuesday 1 November 2011

PCCare247: A PC User’s Haven for High-End Tech Support

Over a length of time I have heard numerous stories doing the rounds as to how computer users have struggled hard to cope with issues related to their PC’s, printers and a range of other associated peripherals. And invariably as it would be the case a majority of them have also ended up concluding their conversation that technical support is always found to be anything but lacking.

Leaving me stuck with the impression tech support varies wildly and has had a profound, polarizing effect on PC users – whether you love it or hate it.

Computer Tech SupportMoney Talks, but not always 
Sometimes, PC users end up getting superior support because they have pitched tons of dough into the coffers of a tech support provider, in return willing to show its gratitude by heeding to a customer's need on a prompt basis. However, that is to be expected. But then again I also ended up realizing this is a myth ever since I came across a company by the name of PCCare247.

Considered to be one of those organizations wherein clients in spite of making the most modest of investments reportedly end up having positive support experiences. Not-so-big money spenders also had a quick resolution on offer for almost all their issues. Or perhaps, just to put it forth in the words of a fellow PC user, “The organization really knows what it is doing." A reason which I can assume has ended up leading the organization with hordes of satisfied clients.

PCCare247: The ideal foil for vendors

Vendors often rely on their resellers to provide first-line support or they "job out" all support functions to third-party service providers. That isn't necessarily bad. I've heard from users who like the idea of getting support from a local outfit. A better prospect considering the fact it is way better than the idea of getting someone with a company logo on their shirt to make a house call. A point in case where you have to work your way through escalation procedures, which usually start with a help-line call; truly not considered as lucrative situation for many users.

Vendors now typically staff phone-support centers in several locations around the world, touting it as "follow the sun" service. In theory, whatever time you call, you'll get a tech-support rep even if the support centers in your country – or hemisphere – have closed for the day. When you follow up the next day, your service record will be available for easy reference. Not so surprisingly a fact which I ended up learning when I ended up calling Technical Support Company when the situation on hand was anything but desperate

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